Justice Manifesto

The following message is primarily directed towards Juan Linietsky (reduzio) and some of his sub-leaders, including Rémi Verschelde (Akien) and Yuri Sizov (PycBouH, Russian Warrior), as well as Juan’s loyalists. If you’ve been wronged by these robots pretending to be individuals with a high moral ground, you’ll likely find this manifesto quite gratifying. 🙃

A Call to Conscience

Juan, just as you possess extensive knowledge about your game engine and how it operates, I am well aware of the manipulative games you play with the people you come into contact with. The way you handle software internals ironically mirrors your careless treatment of people, both online and in real life.

I absolutely know what you’re doing, and I see right through you. Even though I may not be able to restore justice all by myself, the already invented wheels of justice are turning against you. I am committed to ensuring that the truth comes to light and that the appropriate actions are taken at the right moment.

While you expect others to be responsible, you show no signs of responsibility. Your immensely hypocritical behavior has not gone unnoticed, and there are those who will tirelessly work to hold you accountable for the harm you have caused, both due to your ignorance and deceit. If you were smart, you wouldn’t have individuals like me so dedicated to investigating, documenting, and exposing your lies.

I will work diligently to expose the truth, gather even more evidence, and cooperate with the appropriate authorities if needed, such as the Anti-Fraud Office. It is my duty to ensure that the truth prevails and that those who engage in fraudulent and discriminatory activities within an allegedly worldwide organization such as Godot Engine, which exploits the free labor of individuals who are unknowingly working on the personal agenda of toxic leaders, face the consequences of their actions.

Justice is not about revenge or personal vendettas. Instead, it is about upholding the principles of fairness and the rule of law. Everyone deserves a fair and just process, including you, Juan. Because of your lack of empathy, you may believe that you can evade the consequences of your actions, but justice is not merely the responsibility of one person; it is the collective ethical duty of society. As the voices grow louder, the strength of justice becomes undeniable.

No one is above the human law, even if you think of yourself as a boss. I know that you try to convince others that you’re not a boss, but the course of justice will not be swayed by your deceit or defamation of people who challenge your authoritarian behavior and governance. While justice may sometimes be slow, the truth will eventually be revealed, and those who have been wronged will find solace knowing that justice is restored. It is not a matter of if, but when.

As you continue exerting undue influence over your followers and perpetuating slander that damages the reputations of those whom you have harmed already, remember that the pursuit of justice is relentless. Even though you may have a considerable number of overzealous followers who unquestioningly support you and are seemingly willing to protect your image, bear in mind that their allegiance is primarily driven by their own desire to maintain the narcissistic image that you managed to craft yourself. However, when faced with facts, evidence, and testimonies, these followers will eventually have to confront the truth and go through all the stages of denial, shock, acceptance, grieving, despise, contemplation, and finally, moving on. Before moving on, some of them will have the desire to restore justice, just like I do. With the information I possess, they will come to realize that they are not alone, contrary to what you claim to your dissenting followers.

Juan, as well as every devoted follower like Rémi, who participates in eroding the integrity of others just to maintain the status quo, let me propagate this message clear: the force of justice cannot be ignored and will inevitably find you. Unless a conscious decision is made to change yourself and accountability for your actions is taken, the series of events that you have set in motion will ultimately result in your downfall.

From Silence to Truth

"When you have something to say, silence is a lie."

Despite my extensive involvement with Godot, I have refrained from expressing these concerns until now. This hesitation was rooted in the cultic nature of Godot as an organization. Throughout all those years, I remained oblivious to this social dynamic, especially while dealing with ongoing undue influence originating from Godot’s toxic leadership. This fear of speaking out is shared by other members of the Godot community, who, like me, have been reluctant to openly share their experiences. Even those within the private Godot Advisors group share some of these concerns! They will surely find a way to speak up, one way or another.

Those who keep waiting for Godot aren’t interested in finding the truth. If you come across comments from overzealous Godot users, supporters, believers, advocates, or apologists of Godot attacking critics, including the author of this book, understand that their primary intention is to defame us. This speaks volumes about Godot’s scapegoating practices.

Ironically, while refusing to read the book, waiters for Godot demand proof of Godot’s misdeeds, oblivious to the fact that their own toxic behavior serves as the actual evidence substantiating the accusations against them. For example, you might be reading this because someone shared it with you, presenting it as “check out this crazy, mad, insane child,” or something similar that doesn’t quite align with Godot’s Code of Conduct, or should we say, Code of Misconduct. Most of these bigots won’t even read this part, just as they haven’t read the book – unlike you, the curious reader!

Godot fanatics often take offense, claiming that critics act in bad faith, driven by bias, vengeance, anger, arrogance, or even accusing them of being corrupt and concocting conspiracy theories. Some even go so far as to suggest that these critics need professional help! However, these labels are merely projections or rationalizations by those making such insinuations and baseless accusations. The capacity of the human mind to engage in denial and rationalization can be impressive. Be assured, their obsession with labeling critics “insane” won’t stop us from continuing to inform about Godot shenanigans. Consequently, their cultic behavior becomes a source of amusement.

My assertions are grounded in factual information, evidence, and the testimonies of others, coupled with my extensive personal experience and expertise. As of now, only a few individuals are willing to challenge Godot’s toxic leadership, because they want to prevent potential harm to their own reputation. What many fail to recognize is that uncovering the truth about Godot will lead to them earning a favorable reputation in the long run. As a former maintainer of Godot, I’m not afraid to talk about this because I have many years of experience with Godot speaking on my behalf, so I’m confident in what I have to say about Godot. But even now, there are enough notable testimonies that enable us to see a more objective picture.

I encourage you to form your own judgments primarily based on the content within, and only secondarily from others. If you find this book enlightening and informative, don’t hesitate to share it with anyone you think might benefit. If you’re passionate about restoring justice, this is definitely a step in the right direction. Thank you!