Rhetoric and Narrative

  • Simple answers are Juan’s specialty. The allure of simplicity helps to alleviate the negative feelings that we may experience due to analysis paralysis, making us naturally inclined to prefer straightforward answers over complex and analytical ones. Unfortunately, this preference is frequently observed among Godot followers, who tend to dismiss critical discussions about their engine as mere “conspiracy” talk. As such, Juan frequently employs the word “speculation” as a means to dismiss criticism. It serves as a lightweight tactic to subtly insinuate that the critic is akin to a conspiracy theorist when questioning Juan’s actions.

  • When users express concerns, you may see Juan writing messages to “clarify” things. He constantly says that he’s not tired to “clarify” things again and again and asking people to have a chat with him in private. Propaganda is fed via so-called “clarification” process. Therefore, instead of addressing underlying issues, he attempts to convince people that an issue doesn’t exist or turn it into a benefit.

  • Juan employs manipulative tactics by starting his propaganda with general introductory phrases such as “Many people ask me” or “Many people wanted to know,” which can be qualified as weasel wording. These phrases serve to create a false sense of importance and build unwarranted credibility for his subsequent statements.

  • When Juan says to you “If that helps” when he justifies his actions or an obvious contradiction in Godot, he’s likely lying.

  • When Juan says to you “Again, …” he expects you to back down. This is how he attempts to show off his supposed supremacy.